Love in Deed (LID) is an organization that works with street children and youth, with the aim of reintegrating them back into the society.
LID was born out of a monthly outreach program for children living on the streets. During these outreaches, we realized that there are children and youth who desire to leave street life, but lack the support to do so. Support varies with every child. Some require simple assistance, such as bus fare to go back home, or a mediator to reconcile them to their families. Other cases are however complex, particularly for those who have lived on the streets for many years and have continuously suffered physical, mental and emotional trauma. For such, we engage relevant professionals to assist us.
Our work can be encapsulated in these three words: LOVE IN DEED (LID) as we strive to spread the love of Christ.
LID seeks to address the plight of street children by providing a support structure that will empower them to become productive members of the larger society.